29 N Federal Hwy, Hallandale Beach

MON - FRI: 9AM - 6PM
SAT: 10AM- 4PM

29 N Federal Hwy, Hallandale Beach, FL, 33009

MON - FRI: 10AM - 6PM | SAT: 10AM- 4PM


Compreflex Standard Calf & Foot Beige X-Large (1404)

Price Match Guarantee


Compreflex Standard Calf & Foot Beige X-Large (1404) Features

BEST SUITED FOR edema of various etiologies; obesity, fragile skin, and limited mobility or grip strength; donning challenges and adherence issues; lymphedema requiring day and night compression; patients requiring extra foot compression due to lymphedema or phlebolymphedema ; conditions requiring a low-resting and high working pressure garment